Preschool FAQ

A growing body of research shows the many benefits of preschool. Children are exposed to different stimuli, numbers, letters, and shapes. They learn to experiment and socialize; they practice getting along with others; they share; they participate in circle time. Kids who attend preschool before Primary Education have been shown to have an academic head-start.

They tend to be better at pre-reading, use more words, and display a stronger aptitude in math. They also learn to take turns and raise their hands before speaking: two vital habits that make the transition to Primary Education easier.

Welcome to KANASU – Play & Learn Preschool Curriculum. It is packed full of hands-on, simple, play-based activities and ideas for your preschoolers to do, both at home and in the classroom. Throughout this curriculum child will be playing his/her way through many of the early learning skills. Now let us move on to the play & learn centers followed at KANASU.

At Kanasu teachers themselves engage in play activities with children, helping build the child’s foundation for trusted relationships with adults. Positive early experiences lead to longer life expectancy, better overall health, and improved ability to manage stress. Plus, long-term social-emotional capabilities are more robust when children have a chance to learn through play; form deep relationships; and when their developing brains are given the chance to grow in a nurturing, language-rich, and relatively unhurried environment.